Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wine Logo Business Card

Taking the logo/label I had created, I made a business card for the owner as well. I wanted it to have the same modern feel but be simple and sleek. I feel like This was exactly that. I created this in InDesign.

Wine Label

I was given the opportunity to create a Wine label that was sent to a Wine Company called 9 Mile Winery located in a small town outside of Council Bluffs, IA. They wanted something modern but yet still a wine label. I went with a circle because I felt it was a modern look to wine, which is usually a rectangle label. My first thought was to have the background design, date & name of the wine to be clear so the color of the wine would show through onto the label. I created this all on Illustrator.

Mad Cow Paintball

My roommate's family owns Mad Cow Paintball and they were in need of a Safety Briefing Certificate that they could use to give newcomers that have gone through the course. They are contemplating if they should shrink it down to a size that would fit in your wallet so people could use it as proof of completion so they don't have to retake the course and Mad Cow knows they are already certified. I created this in InDesign.

Wine label

I made this flyer for my sister's After Prom committee that my mom is actually on. They needed something to grab people's attention to attend this Benefit night. I used InDesign to create this flyer and got the logo for Burger King from the committee.

Iowa postcard

I created this postcard for the Special Topics class as well. I used Photoshop and basically just played around with different effects to create a postcard.

Graduation Announcement

Again for my Special Topics class, I created this mock graduation announcement using my personal senior pictures, we bought the rights for these pictures but I am in no way taking the credit for them. I used this to show what I can do in InDesign and that I can set up an Invitation well and it looks professional.

Christmas Card

This was the Christmas card I created using Photoshop, Illustrator, & InDesign.

Pointe Shoes

This is a stippling project I created for a Print class, we were learning about what it takes for a printer to create your printed piece basically. I enjoyed doing this very much, even though it was tedious work.

Edited Family Photo

I went through and edited this photo, I decided it was the best out of all that I took. As you can see in the before image, the ground was not covered in snow completely. I took the clone stamp tool and healing tool in Photoshop to edit it so the ground looks covered. I also took out some random things that did not belong in the picture, things I hadn't noticed when taking the actual picture. I then took it into black and white because my mom tends to like that look more.

Family Pictures

We took these pictures in my hometown, this is my family and we decided to actually send out a Christmas card this year. It was difficult getting everyone to co-operate and stay where I placed them, especially Tucker (our dog), and then teaching my aunt how to press the button on the right time for us jumping! These are all unedited at this point, will upload my next step later.

IPhone App

I created this App in Adobe Illustrator, I did this in a class called Special Topics where you come up with different projects to create a portfolio.

Personal Logo

This is a logo I created for my Adobe Illustrator class, I created a couple of versions and then limited it down to the best two and then to the one I liked best.